Friday, May 29, 2009

The New Deal vs. Postfontaine

The New Deal vs. Postfontaine

Has yet to be decided, and it will be decided by you.

Two improv groups, one night, two challenges, a winner will be decided.

Come out Sunday night (May 31st) at 9:30 to the Magnet Theatre (254 W. 29th Street, NY NY) to root for defending champs The New Deal (Dru Johnston, Noah Forman, Alex Demers) as they face Postfontaine (Jesse Lee, Amber Leah Kindaid, Tom McGrath, Kate Riley, Scott Courlander, Chris McKeever, and Matt Klinman).

This post is kinda one of those choose your own adventure posts.

But if the fight were between FDR and Prefontaine, FDR would trounce him... unless Pre ran away really quickly.

Prostitute vs. Shamwow Guy

Prostitute vs. Shamwow Guy

I feel bad posting this one... cause we all know the answer to this one. But let's relive how ridiculous that battle was shall we:

North America vs. Australia

North America vs. Australia

Whenever I play risk there are always three ways to play:

  • 1. Take over North America.

  • 2. Take over Australia.

  • 3. Try to take over some other country and fucking lose.

So which strategy is better? The answer is obvious. North America. While Australia is far smaller to take over and has only one entry point, it only offers you two additional armies. Compared to the five you make from North America that is absolutely nothing. Furthermore, North America only has three entry points, totally defendable.

The other major thing is that if you take Australia your only course of action is to attack Asia, which as we all know is a black hole of awful in the game. If you take North America you can easily grab South America, giving you control of the whole left side of the board, and potentially the game.

When you win the next time you play risk you can thank me by yelling: "DRU FOR THE WIN" whenever you attack. Don't worry... I'll hear it.

T-Rex vs. Pikachu

T-Rex vs. Pikachu

Trick Question.

We can't answer this yet since we don't have the adequate information. If the Pikachu is simply a level 5 he has little to know chance against the fierce thunder lizard. However, if the trainer for some reason never came across a thunder stone and has just made the pikachu an insanely strong electric mouse, i.e. a level 70, than the T-Rex would have little to no shot.

It's all about the details... however, I'd think that an electrical attack against a T-Rex would be super effective... so I'd lean towards the pikachu... but again, can't be so sure.